spherimatch package
spherimatch.catalog module
- class spherimatch.catalog.Catalog(data)[source]
This class is used to store and manipulate the catalog data for xmatch and fof.
- Parameters:
data (array-like) –
The input data can be either a numpy array or a pandas dataframe.
np.array: The array must have a shape of (N, 2), representing N points with two values: [ra (azimuth, longitude), dec (alltitude, latitude)].
pd.DataFrame: The dataframe must have two columns named ‘Ra’ and ‘Dec’ (or all the possible combinations with ‘ra’, ‘dec’; ‘RA’, ‘DEC’).
- get_appending_data(retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None, invalid_key_error=True) DataFrame [source]
Get the appending data of the points in the catalog for xmatch and fof.
- Parameters:
retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input dataframe. Default is True.
retain_columns (list, optional) – The list of columns to retain in the input dataframe. Overrides retain_all_columns if not empty.
invalid_key_error (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an error when the columns are not in the input dataframe. Default is True.
- Returns:
The dataframe of the appending data.
- Return type:
spherimatch.chunk module
spherimatch.chunk_generator module
- class spherimatch.chunk_generator.ChunkGenerator(margin)[source]
- coor2id_boundary(ra: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], dec: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]])[source]
Tell which boundary of chunk the given coordinate assigned to. (How to divide the sky.)
— SHOULD BE overridden by subclass —
If the object is located within the 2 * margin with the boundary of a chunk, it should be contained in the list of object indexes of that chunk.
- Parameters:
ra (numpy.ndarray) – The array of RA. Shape: (N,).
dec (numpy.ndarray) – The array of Dec. Shape: (N,).
- Returns:
list_of_chunk_of_list_of_object_index – A list of lists contain the index of the object.
- Return type:
- coor2id_central(ra: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], dec: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]])[source]
Tell which chunk the given coordinate belongs to. (How to divide the sky.)
— SHOULD BE overridden by subclass —
- Parameters:
ra (numpy.ndarray) – The array of RA. Shape: (N,).
dec (numpy.ndarray) – The array of Dec. Shape: (N,).
- Returns:
chink_id – The array of chunk_id. Shape: (N,).
- Return type:
spherimatch.chunk_generator_grid module
- class spherimatch.chunk_generator_grid.ChunkGeneratorByDenseGrid(margin)[source]
- class spherimatch.chunk_generator_grid.ChunkGeneratorByGrid(margin)[source]
- class spherimatch.chunk_generator_grid.ChunkGeneratorBySuperDenseGrid(margin)[source]
- class spherimatch.chunk_generator_grid.GridChunkConfig(center, margin, width: tuple | None = None, dec_bound: float | None = None)[source]
- class spherimatch.chunk_generator_grid.GridChunkGenerator(margin)[source]
- coor2id_boundary(ra, dec)[source]
Tell which boundary of chunk the given coordinate assigned to. (How to divide the sky.)
— SHOULD BE overridden by subclass —
If the object is located within the 2 * margin with the boundary of a chunk, it should be contained in the list of object indexes of that chunk.
- Parameters:
ra (numpy.ndarray) – The array of RA. Shape: (N,).
dec (numpy.ndarray) – The array of Dec. Shape: (N,).
- Returns:
list_of_chunk_of_list_of_object_index – A list of lists contain the index of the object.
- Return type:
- coor2id_central(ra, dec)[source]
Tell which chunk the given coordinate belongs to. (How to divide the sky.)
— SHOULD BE overridden by subclass —
- Parameters:
ra (numpy.ndarray) – The array of RA. Shape: (N,).
dec (numpy.ndarray) – The array of Dec. Shape: (N,).
- Returns:
chink_id – The array of chunk_id. Shape: (N,).
- Return type:
spherimatch.disjoint_set module
spherimatch.euclidean_vs_angular_distance_local module
- spherimatch.euclidean_vs_angular_distance_local.compute_error(declination, distance)[source]
Purpose: Compute the relative error in Euclidean distance given declination and angular distance.
Parameters: - declination: float, the declination in degrees - distance: float, the angular distance in degrees
Returns: - error: float, the computed relative error defined as (Euclidean - angular) / angular.
spherimatch.fof module
- spherimatch.fof.fof(catalog, tolerance) FoFResult [source]
Perform the Friends-of-Friends (FoF) grouping algorithm on a catalog.
This function applies the FoF algorithm to a given catalog. The algorithm works by linking objects that are within a specified angular distance (tolerance) of each other, forming groups or clusters of objects.
- Parameters:
catalog (array-like) – The catalog to group.
tolerance (float) – The tolerance for the grouping in degrees.
- Returns:
The result of the Friends-of-Friends grouping.
- Return type:
spherimatch.result_fof module
- class spherimatch.result_fof.FoFResult(catalog: Catalog, tolerance: float, result_list: list)[source]
- get_coordinates() list[list[tuple]] [source]
Returns the coordinates of objects grouped as lists of tuples.
- Returns:
A list of lists of tuples of coordinates of objects in each group.
- Return type:
- get_group_coordinates() list[tuple] [source]
Returns the center coordinates of the groups.
- Returns:
A list of tuples of coordinates of the center of each group.
- Return type:
- get_group_dataframe(min_group_size=1, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame [source]
Get the grouped data as a two-level indexed pandas DataFrame.
- Parameters:
min_group_size (int, optional) – The minimum group size to include in the DataFrame. Default is 1.
coord_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns for the coordinates. Default is [‘Ra’, ‘Dec’].
retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input (dataframe). Default is True.
retain_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns to retain in the output dataframe. Will override retain_all_columns if not empty. Default is None.
- Returns:
A two-level indexed pandas DataFrame containing the grouped data.
- Return type:
spherimatch.result_xmatch module
- class spherimatch.result_xmatch.XMatchResult(cat1: Catalog, cat2: Catalog, tolerance, result_dict: defaultdict)[source]
- get_dataframe1(min_match=0, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame [source]
Get the first catalog with the number of matches as a pandas dataframe.
- Parameters:
min_match (int, optional) – The minimum number of matches for an object to be included in the dataframe. Default is 0.
coord_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns for the coordinates. Default is [‘Ra’, ‘Dec’].
retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input (dataframe). Default is True.
retain_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns to retain in the output dataframe. Will override retain_all_columns if not empty. Default is None.
- Returns:
The dataframe of the first catalog with the number of matches.
- Return type:
- get_dataframe2(min_match=0, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame [source]
Get the second catalog with the number of matches as a pandas dataframe.
Please refer to the get_dataframe1() and replace the ‘first catalog’ with the ‘second catalog’.
- get_serial_dataframe(min_match=1, reverse=False, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame [source]
Get a pandas dataframe with the information of the matching of the two catalogs in a serial manner.
Each object from the first catalog with sufficient matches (as defined by min_match) appear first, followed by their matched objects from the second catalog.
- Parameters:
min_match (int, optional) – The minimum number of matches for an object from the first catalog to be included in the dataframe. Default is 1.
reverse (bool, optional) – Whether to reverse the order of catalogs (i.e., make the second catalog as the first and vice versa). Default is False.
coord_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns for the coordinates. Default is [‘Ra’, ‘Dec’].
retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input (dataframe). Default is True.
retain_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns to retain in the output dataframe. Will override retain_all_columns if not empty. Default is None.
- Returns:
The serial dataframe of the two catalogs with the number of matches.
- Return type:
spherimatch.utilities_spherical module
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.cartesian_to_radec(cartesian_coords)[source]
Convert Cartesian coordinates to Right Ascension and Declination.
- Parameters:
cartesian_coords (np.array) – Array of Cartesian coordinates [x, y, z] SHOULD BE NORMALIZED.
- Returns:
(RA, DEC) in degrees.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.distances_to_target(target, points)[source]
Compute the great-circle distances from a target point to a list of other points on a sphere.
This function can also handles a single point as an input.
- Parameters:
target (tuple) – (RA, DEC) of the target point.
points (numpy.ndarray | tuple) – numpy array of shape (n, 2) where n is the number of points. Each row is (RA, DEC) for a point. Can also be a single point with shape (2,).
- Returns:
distances – Great-circle distances to the target point.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.generate_random_point(n, seed=None)[source]
Generate random points in Right Ascension and Declination uniformly distributed on the celestial sphere.
- Parameters:
n (int) – Number of random points to generate.
seed (int, optional) – Seed for the random number generator.
- Returns:
(RA, DEC) arrays in degrees.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.great_circle_distance(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2)[source]
Compute the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere using their right ascension and declination.
- Parameters:
ra1 (float) – Right ascension of the first point in degrees.
dec1 (float) – Declination of the first point in degrees.
ra2 (float) – Right ascension of the second point in degrees.
dec2 (float) – Declination of the second point in degrees.
- Returns:
distance – Angular distance between the two points in degrees.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.point_offset(ra_dec, angular_distance, theta)[source]
Give a point that is a given angular distance away from a specified point on the celestial sphere.
- Parameters:
ra_dec (tuple) – (RA, DEC) in degrees for the initial point.
angular_distance (float) – Distance in degrees to move from the initial point.
theta (float) – Direction in degrees counter-clockwise from the positive DEC axis when viewed from the center of the celestial sphere.
- Returns:
new_point – (RA, DEC) in degrees for the point after offset.
- Return type:
The direction specified by theta is counter-clockwise when viewed from the center of the celestial sphere, looking outwards. If visualizing from a point above the North Celestial Pole, the direction will appear clockwise.
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.radec_to_cartesian(ra, dec)[source]
Convert Right Ascension and Declination to Cartesian coordinates.
- Parameters:
ra (float) – Right Ascension in degrees.
dec (float) – Declination in degrees.
- Returns:
Cartesian coordinates [x, y, z].
- Return type:
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.rodrigues_rotation(v, k, theta)[source]
Rotate a vector using Rodrigues’ rotation formula.
- Parameters:
v (np.array) – Vector to be rotated.
k (np.array) – Unit vector indicating the axis of rotation.
theta (float) – Angle of rotation in degrees.
- Returns:
Rotated vector.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.utilities_spherical.rotate_radec_about_axis(ra, dec, axis_ra, axis_dec, theta)[source]
Rotate a point (or points) in celestial coordinates about a specified axis.
Given a point (or an array of points) defined by its Right Ascension and Declination, this function rotates it about an arbitrary axis (defined by its own RA and Dec) by a specified angle.
- Parameters:
ra (float or np.array) – Right Ascension of the point(s) to be rotated. Can be a single value or an array of values.
dec (float or np.array) – Declination of the point(s) to be rotated. Can be a single value or an array of values.
axis_ra (float) – Right Ascension of the rotation axis. Expected to be a scalar.
axis_dec (float) – Declination of the rotation axis. Expected to be a scalar.
theta (float) – Angle of rotation in degrees. Expected to be a scalar.
- Returns:
If ra and dec are scalars: Returns a tuple (rotated_RA, rotated_Dec) of scalar values. If ra and dec are arrays: Returns a tuple of arrays (rotated_RAs, rotated_Decs).
- Return type:
tuple | tuple[numpy.array]
spherimatch.xmatch module
- spherimatch.xmatch.spherical_xmatching(idx1: array, coor1: array, idx2: array, coor2: array, tolerance, A2E_factor)[source]
- spherimatch.xmatch.unique_merge_defaultdicts(d1: defaultdict, d2: defaultdict)[source]
Joins two dictionaries, merging values for shared keys and preserving others.
When both dictionaries have the same key, this function makes a new list with every distinct value from either dictionary. If a key is only in one dictionary, it adds that key and its values directly to the result.
- Parameters:
d1 (defaultdict) – A dictionary with list-type values.
d2 (defaultdict) – Another dictionary with list-type values.
- Returns:
A dictionary with all keys from both d1 and d2. For shared keys, it has a list of unique values. For unshared keys, it has the original list.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.xmatch.xmatch(catalog1, catalog2, tolerance, verbose=False) XMatchResult [source]
Performs a cross-match between two catalogs.
This function matches objects from two different catalogs based on their coordinates. Objects from catalog1 and catalog2 that are within a specified angular distance (tolerance) are considered matches.
- Parameters:
catalog1 (array-like) – The first catalog.
catalog2 (array-like) – The second catalog.
tolerance (float) – The tolerance for the cross-match in degrees.
verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print the progress.
- Returns:
A XMatchResult object that contains the cross-match result.
- Return type:
Module contents
- spherimatch.fof(catalog, tolerance) FoFResult [source]
Perform the Friends-of-Friends (FoF) grouping algorithm on a catalog.
This function applies the FoF algorithm to a given catalog. The algorithm works by linking objects that are within a specified angular distance (tolerance) of each other, forming groups or clusters of objects.
- Parameters:
catalog (array-like) – The catalog to group.
tolerance (float) – The tolerance for the grouping in degrees.
- Returns:
The result of the Friends-of-Friends grouping.
- Return type:
- spherimatch.group_by_quadtree(catalog, tolerance, dec_bound=None, ring_chunk=None) FoFResult [source]
- spherimatch.xmatch(catalog1, catalog2, tolerance, verbose=False) XMatchResult [source]
Performs a cross-match between two catalogs.
This function matches objects from two different catalogs based on their coordinates. Objects from catalog1 and catalog2 that are within a specified angular distance (tolerance) are considered matches.
- Parameters:
catalog1 (array-like) – The first catalog.
catalog2 (array-like) – The second catalog.
tolerance (float) – The tolerance for the cross-match in degrees.
verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print the progress.
- Returns:
A XMatchResult object that contains the cross-match result.
- Return type: