API Reference

xmatch functionality

spherimatch.xmatch(catalog1, catalog2, tolerance, verbose=False) XMatchResult[source]

Performs a cross-match between two catalogs.

This function matches objects from two different catalogs based on their coordinates. Objects from catalog1 and catalog2 that are within a specified angular distance (tolerance) are considered matches.

  • catalog1 (array-like) – The first catalog.

  • catalog2 (array-like) – The second catalog.

  • tolerance (float) – The tolerance for the cross-match in degrees.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Whether to print the progress.


A XMatchResult object that contains the cross-match result.

Return type:


class spherimatch.XMatchResult(cat1: Catalog, cat2: Catalog, tolerance, result_dict: defaultdict)[source]
get_dataframe1(min_match=0, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame[source]

Get the first catalog with the number of matches as a pandas dataframe.

  • min_match (int, optional) – The minimum number of matches for an object to be included in the dataframe. Default is 0.

  • coord_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns for the coordinates. Default is [‘Ra’, ‘Dec’].

  • retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input (dataframe). Default is True.

  • retain_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns to retain in the output dataframe. Will override retain_all_columns if not empty. Default is None.


The dataframe of the first catalog with the number of matches.

Return type:


get_dataframe2(min_match=0, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame[source]

Get the second catalog with the number of matches as a pandas dataframe.

Please refer to the get_dataframe1() and replace the ‘first catalog’ with the ‘second catalog’.

get_result_dict() defaultdict[source]
get_result_dict_reserve() defaultdict[source]
get_serial_dataframe(min_match=1, reverse=False, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame[source]

Get a pandas dataframe with the information of the matching of the two catalogs in a serial manner.

Each object from the first catalog with sufficient matches (as defined by min_match) appear first, followed by their matched objects from the second catalog.

  • min_match (int, optional) – The minimum number of matches for an object from the first catalog to be included in the dataframe. Default is 1.

  • reverse (bool, optional) – Whether to reverse the order of catalogs (i.e., make the second catalog as the first and vice versa). Default is False.

  • coord_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns for the coordinates. Default is [‘Ra’, ‘Dec’].

  • retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input (dataframe). Default is True.

  • retain_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns to retain in the output dataframe. Will override retain_all_columns if not empty. Default is None.


The serial dataframe of the two catalogs with the number of matches.

Return type:


number_distribution() Counter[source]

Get the distribution of the number of matches for each object in the first catalog.


The distribution of the number of matches for each object in the first catalog.

Return type:


fof functionality

spherimatch.fof(catalog, tolerance) FoFResult[source]

Perform the Friends-of-Friends (FoF) grouping algorithm on a catalog.

This function applies the FoF algorithm to a given catalog. The algorithm works by linking objects that are within a specified angular distance (tolerance) of each other, forming groups or clusters of objects.

  • catalog (array-like) – The catalog to group.

  • tolerance (float) – The tolerance for the grouping in degrees.


The result of the Friends-of-Friends grouping.

Return type:


class spherimatch.FoFResult(catalog: Catalog, tolerance: float, result_list: list)[source]
get_coordinates() list[list[tuple]][source]

Returns the coordinates of objects grouped as lists of tuples.


A list of lists of tuples of coordinates of objects in each group.

Return type:


get_group_coordinates() list[tuple][source]

Returns the center coordinates of the groups.


A list of tuples of coordinates of the center of each group.

Return type:


get_group_dataframe(min_group_size=1, coord_columns=['Ra', 'Dec'], retain_all_columns=True, retain_columns=None) DataFrame[source]

Get the grouped data as a two-level indexed pandas DataFrame.

  • min_group_size (int, optional) – The minimum group size to include in the DataFrame. Default is 1.

  • coord_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns for the coordinates. Default is [‘Ra’, ‘Dec’].

  • retain_all_columns (bool, optional) – Whether to retain all the columns in the input (dataframe). Default is True.

  • retain_columns (list[str], optional) – The names of the columns to retain in the output dataframe. Will override retain_all_columns if not empty. Default is None.


A two-level indexed pandas DataFrame containing the grouped data.

Return type:


get_group_sizes() list[int][source]

Returns the object counts in each group.


A list of integers representing the number of objects in each group.

Return type:
